Tuesday, October 7, 2008

It's Been a Long Time

Well, it's been a very long time since either of us have written. I guess it's more becauses of all the things we have to do to prepare for the upcoming changes in our lives.
Since I'd last written, we have learned that Mark will more likely be leaving for Fort Bragg in August. We have been blessed in this regard: of being able to meet our needs and still enjoy this time G-d has given us. So I will not complain.
June 23 was my 50th birthday. And it is a wonderful time in my life. I feel an feeling of excitement in my spirit. I'd in a good place as a person, as a worshipper of the Creator. I thank G-d for allowing me these years and pray for many, many more with my beloved Mark.
We were blessed with a special blessing. The VA benefits due to Mark came on my birthday. This money not only caught on our bills, but will more than take care of our needs at this time. G-d is so good. G-d told me earlier in the month He would "bless our socks off!" and He did!

June 26, Mark and I were married two years ago this day. My has time fly :) We went away to Williamburg to celebrate. We truly enjoyed that week away. We brought new things for our palace, a few wedding gifts and gifts for each other.
It was the break we truly needed; to get away from everything and just be together, to enjoy each other. Fort Bragg and deplpoyment will come soon enough. Right now, this is our time and we gurad it jealously. Yes, there are a few folks who don't understand this desicion. My feelings; that's a matter they need to take up with G-d.
Right after our engagment, Mark told me that our life together would be one long honeymoon, full of adventure.
He didn't lie :)

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