Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Beauty of Quiet

Sometimes, life demand that we take time to be still, to be quiet.
It is healing to the soul, to the mind, to the body.
That is why G-d gave us Shabbat. For He knew that we need to take time to do the above.
I love the quiet of morning.
When the sun has not yet risen. When the stars begin to fade, and the coffee is just beginning to fill the apartment air.
I need to find those mornings again. To find the peace that comes with the world waking up.
In finding those times, I shall once again find my center.
I wonder what sunrise in Ramadi is like?
Mummie said I was always a quiet child. One never knew when I was even in the room for several minutes.
I like that. I have a distaste for loud sounds, colours and frankly, loud people.
It is one of the draws of Mark. His too is a quiet soul.
And his quiet spirit still fills this home.

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