Saturday, January 28, 2012

Has it Really Been Eight Years?

It was April, 2004. Mark had come home for R&R.
He had done some traveling through East Europe before coming home.
I remember looking forward to seeing my bestfriend.
How much I missed him. How much I loved him and thankful he was coming home, even for a visit. I knew so many people wanted to see him; friends as well as family.
But to my surprise and a happy surprise, Mark and I spend most of his visit together.
It was as if he hadn't deployed. Going shopping for things he needed back in Iraq, talking hours away over Starbucks, going to services on shabbat.
The above picture is from a birthday party given in Mark's honour. Yes, my glasses are crooked (I didn't notice at the time) It was a fun evening. I remember our host prayed for Mark and his unit's safely. I remember the sweet prayer of the youngest daughter, asking G-d to "bring Mr. Mark back to Laini"
Such sweet memories. Little did of us knew that a year later, Mark would be going through Chemo,, that  the little princess who prayed for Mark, who is now 15 years old, would be the flower girl in our wedding.
Eight years.
Can't say it's been dull.

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