Thursday, October 29, 2009

It is Snowing

Just after last evening's entry, Mark called.
It is snowing in Afghanistan!
It is the cold season now. And Mark, my Polar Bear loves it. The snow isn't sticking right now, but soon. The winters are brutal in Afganistan. Both on the people of the land and on our armed forces. So later today I am going to the Post Office and pick up the packing kits for deployments. It is one of the bittersweet parts of a loved one gone from your arms, but not your heart.
CarePackages. Boxes filled with love from home.
Homemake cookies.
Hot Chocolate.
Letters, cards and drawings.
Pictures. A lock of hair.
Mark says it is snowing in Afghanistan. As much as I hate snow, right now I wish I was there to share the moment with him.


Lori said...

I wish you could be there too! This was a very sweet entry.

betty said...

I think the first snow of the season, no matter where it is, is always a special time (but not the 100th snow of the season)

great care package you will put together for Mark, Laini; I know though you would like to be there with him (or him with you, you know what I mean)
