Tuesday, February 3, 2009

From March, 2008

From March 2008:
When one's spouse is deployed, there comes that time when you slowly begin to realize you do have a life outside the Laptop and telephone. You actually start going out for coffee and lunch or shopping trips with friends. You realize you have time to read that novel or work on that piece of cross-stitich.
Yes, there is still the lonliness, the waiting for the e-mail and the phone to ring, The carrying of the cell phone.
I do enjoy decorating the Dinningroom for Shabbat at our Temple, making things nice. The former dance teacher 'suddenlly" wanted her class back. I didn't argue?
Why? I can always find a place to hold classes if I wish.

But one Shabbat, I did pull my back with the lifting of my tote bag. My own fault. I know I wasn't suppose to work on Shabbat and should have taken care of this earlier in the week.
So I am now taking things easy. Lots of heat.
I have thought about getting a dog, but just learned we can't have dogs on our lease. So I shall stick to sleeping in Mark's old sweats and dreaming of my guy.

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